It's rather embarassing to have to admit to NEVER having been to Cameron Highlands. I can now hold my head up high. The weather was gorgeous. Rather like Ireland minus the gale force wind and the irritating fine rain drops that would come from all directions. Our trip there was delayed, thanks to wrong directions and having to wait for folks. I was never very good at this waiting game but the glowing reality of finally making a trip to Cameron Highlands turned me into a patient soul.
Annuar Zain sang to us part of the way. I sang along with Annuar despite groans from the rest of the folks in the car. And when I wasn't singing, I slept. Lunch was a prolonged affair at one of the stops ( I forget the name )and when we resumed our journey, I continued sleeping. I suspect the others were nursing a secret wish for my slumber to continue until journeys end. ( I'm rather tone deaf you see )
I awoke to find the weather nice and cool. The winding road was reminiscent of trips back to Raub. I must confess to feeling a little nauseaus. To occupy my mind, I sang even louder. This time around, the girls made their feelings very clear so I was forced to clam up or be booted out of the car. I chose the former.
The apartment was lovely. I showered in icy cold water and felt rejuvenated and perky once more. Dinner was a warm steam-boat session. During which we sat ourselves with two other people and were forced to make conversation.
On the last day, we managed to oil ourselves out of the obligatory talks and ventured out of the vicinity of the hotel. Strawberry picking was not to be. Apparently everybody else picked the strawberries leaving us with nothing much else left to do. And so we bought flowers instead. And I bought 8 little pots of cactus.
One of which was squished on the way home. It's now tilted at 48 degrees but surviving nonetheless.