Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Same T-shirt...different country

We're just across the Selat close and so very different. The main gripe is the exchange rate. Everything's more pricey. I guess if you're travelling further from home, you can allow yourself the liberty of spending just that bit more than what you would normally spend. But a 45 minute flight feels sinful to spend slightly more than twice the amount for most things. So I window shopped...and took pictures. This is me, in Takashimaya. The sales were on-going and I was surrounded by Singaporeans with huge spending power.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Need a break!

I cannot wait for the last week in December. There's christmas, a family get-to-gether, home-cooked food and ASTRO.
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Monday, December 01, 2008

What I have been up the month of November

Yesterday we went Christmas Shopping at Midvalley. The decorations are up......after visiting Bangkok everything in KL seemed expensive in comparison. I bought one magazine. And spent the rest of the time window-shopping. Don't you think the christmas trees look gorgeous?
The most recent trip would be to Bangkok.We spent 5 days there...and we left for home via Suvarnabhumi international airport just two days before the fiasco at the airport. Such a shame, Bangkok is a shopping haven. Loads of stuff to buy. It's difficult to shop and take pictures. No prizes for guessing which dominated the trip. The picture above was taken at the grounds of the Grand Palace. No shops reason to spend money so I concentrated on taking pictures. Loads of people including local school children....I saw 2 girls posing and asked for them to pose WITH me in this shot. These kids....they keep us young.

Some time in November,the catholic korean community pitched in for a fun raising event. There were tents pitched up in the old parish hall grounds and after mass, the next obvious stop was these tents and the promise of authentic Korean fare. And we had a taste of home-made korean kimchi...korean pancake, korean rice ball and korean sushi. The women-folk were chattering away in Korean. Too fast for me to make out any words. ( I dun speak korean but after having seen at least 6 korean serials...I should have been able to make out some words.) These ladies are making rice ball. It's rice with different types of filling.

Jimbo wrote that there's a conspiracy re number of hours in a weekend is significantly shorter than the weekdays. I have another theory, as the year ends, your system slows down ( like it knows christmas is around the corner ) and what takes 30 minutes to complete, now turns into a 2 day event. The picture above was taken in Port Dickson, that's my kipling monkey being squished into the sand. It was done cos there was nothing else amusing on the beach. And it felt therapeutic.