No pictures yes cos the card-reader is not compatible with Mac.( DAmmm)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I have a Mac
Okay, I'm not sure whether I'll be able to list the multiple functions which are better on the Mac compared to the usual pc. Neither can I offer reasons why I decided to defect to the Mac-side. Some things happen, and when it feels effortless and right you don't think twice. Well, this is what happened. I'm now a proud ( although still very clueless ) owner of a Mac aluminium 13" baby. All tips, no matter how elementary are welcomed. I'm the meantime. Please wish me luck. The boy who sold me the Mac condescendingly said I should perhaps consider classes to ease the transition. The very nerve!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
"You're my rock", Burrell insist he was Diana's rock.
"You're wearing my frock" this possibly what she said instead?
I think I'm going to enjoy reading Brown's chronicles. It's different.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The weekend arrives...
Books Galore
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sunday evening blues...
Happy Mother's Day :)
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Sleepers Awake
Cantata No.140: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme This is the best known of the 5 cantatas written by Bach. ( The baroque period ..yes I've been doing my reading ) It was written for a special feast day in the Lutheran calendar.... the 27th Sunday after Trinity. Easter varies in date each year. Dates affected by this moveable feast are Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, Easter, Pentecost and Holy Trinity. And so, this feast occurs only when Easter is very early. Otherwise the new lithurgical year begins ( the first Sunday of Advent ) before the 27th Sunday is reached. So maybe because it occurs so rarely, Bach decided to go really big and summon up all his older works, recycle bits of it...and give us this really lovely Cantata. When you hear it, you'll stare for a while without realising your soul is being touched. That's the power of Bach for you:)
Click HERE for a link to hear a sample of this song.
Bloody warm...
I've been arriving back home well after the sun goes down. So it was odd that I would feel warm even after a cold shower. If I had more time, I certainly could have analysed the situation. But instead, it's only today I realise, that yes the weather has been warmer than usual. Someone has turn up the thermostat. And would that person mind terribly turning it down a notch? I don't fancy having a staggering electricity bill for the month. ( The air conditioners have been overworked this week) My poor finances...
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Public Transport
If I had known the roads would be nice and easy to drive thru, I would have parked at Berjaya Times Square and this would have saved me the bother of taking public transport from Sg Wang Plaza to Berjaya. Where was everybody? The car purred ( with a little gurgling from time to time ) through Jalan Sultan Ismail, and vroomed its way to the little alley where you see the Old Chang Kee stall.
Chick Flick
Can you name some chick flicks? It's harder than you think by the way. Inspired by being quizzed a few evenings back, I got the DVD "Chocolat" . The verdict.....better than I thought. Being chick flick it was predictable and came with the obligatory happy ending. Just what you need for a long weekend. 8/10. I'm deducting two marks for pairing up Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche. ...I don't think the sparks were believable.
Saturday, May 02, 2009

Today, I got lucky and found "Suspicion" on the shelf along with "Dial M For Murder", "War and Peace"..and other classics. I am looking forward to settling down in front of the TV to enjoy good acting and some drama.
Korean condiments
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