Here i am wall-climbing |
In a fit of fit-ness.( hehe) I called up Climb 5 ( after googling the places in KL where one can rock climb- this led to to a few blogs...with wonderful pictures to ooh and aah-over) to find out the price, and book a time. I called at 11:20am, and the only available slot was 1-2pm. The package is for a beginner. Entry fee was RM48 for one hour. And then you pay RM2 for a locker.( Free if you bring a free padlock) And you have to bring your own socks. As you can see, I wore my jogging gear. And my sleeping t-shirt. ( Comfy clothes they said)
It's best to park your car on the rooftop. At level 5. Which is where the rock climbing place is. Its a short walk from the carpark depending on where you park. Today being Saturday, we parked a fait bit away. The picture above is the second wall we were given to climb. I'll show you the first after this.
The folks in red were our marshals.At least I think they're called that. They were both lovely. Giving us encouragement and yelling which colored stones to either hop on or grip on. And more importantly they had enough enthusiasm for all of us.
This is at the entrance of Camp 5. |
We had to sign a disclosure in a form, which included who to call should anything happen to you. And you have ( the expected) declaration that you do NOT have medical diseases, there were at least 20 to tick as you go along.
My rented shoes. |
Here are my shoes. The marshal said it must be super tight otherwise climbing would be difficult. So these were super-duper tight. My toes were a little curled up inside. And I felt like the width of my feet was slowly being morphed into a size 2 cm smaller. But that feeling was only at the beginning, once we started our exercises, the shoe felt just nice.
Baby walls to start with |
We started here; you can see the floor is padded. Which made walking hard. And the walls aren't that high. During this climb ( our first) we didn't wear harness. So we were told how to fall. ( Very encouraging.Not!) I climbed twice once on the easier side and the second time on a harder stretch. I scratched my right forearm a bit on the sides as I attempted to hurl myself over the yellow barricade.
This is me, at the baby wall |
I had a brilliant time. My only regret is not being able to climb right to the top on our last ( and steepest) wall. My limbs were a little less useful and I got stuck slightly more than halfway up and had to climb down. Am definitely returning for my second climb. And am considering joining as a member.