Thursday, December 15, 2005

And the winner is...

Would anyone like to hazard a guess as to what this greenish substance is? ( those of you present during tea today are cheerly disqualified and BANNED from guessing ) Posted by Picasa


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Why yes. It's a lovely, ummm...gravy made from ummm...yogurt and cilantro and garlic...and you dip that other thing in the left-hand corner of the photo, that kind of resembles a head of some sort...into that gravy.

Where's my prize?

Momo said...

Pesto sauce?

The Aunt said...

Chervil soup. Or spinach soup. Or if you were really VERY unfortunate, chervil AND spinach soup.

Or a KL version of same.

If I were you I'd get a friend to check my teeth for the green bits that get stuck just before you speak to that lad in the library you've always fancied.

Fred said...


ilaiy said...

Green Curry


Green Frog Soup


edina monsoon said...

gnightgirl: THAT is not a head you see. Pictures are deceiving sometimes.But you're half way there, it's a dip of sorts.

Momo: *beep* wrong. it's not pesto westo sauce. But good guess.

Aunty marianne: Okay explain please..( too lazy to google it ) what's chervil soup? Does it make you chivalrous after?? Thanks for the tip re green teeth. I will remember henceforth to get friends and loved ones to teeth-check.

Fred: *beep*beep* definitely not seaweed. And no it's not blended grass either if that's your second guess of the day.

ilaily: Nopsie. It ain't green curry. Speaking of which...I still haven't quite gotten around to LIKING green curry.

Jimbo said...

Mint Chutney! Love it!