Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Around the corner..

I think of myself as an the point of pollyanna-ism. And so I look forward to this christmas break quite a bit. Apart from the obvious eating I'll be doing...there's the reintroduction to my own things at home. I hope one day to be able to ( like ALICE of the wonderland ) think of ten impossible things before getting out of bed.


edina monsoon said...

Okay fess up. Who are you??? My mind is racing thinking of possible folks.

Fred said...

Have a great holiday, Edina. Enjoy your break.

Intan @ mama ammar said...

Hi Edina.. Have a great holiday.
Ps. I have no idea about the 'dreaming about other blogger' too. But Edina Monsoon in that dream is a cross between Ross(mix fm presenter) and dennis finch (just shoot me!). Ain't that great?