Thursday, December 28, 2006
Merry Christmas :)
Met up with an old friend as well. He and I used to take the same bus to kindergarten. I remember being envious of his mini motorbike one morning that I got mum to drive out and buy me the very same thing.
And my old room mate from Ireland sent me a christmas card, ( I didn't send any cards this year which was awful of me really ) updating me.
Friends and family. THat's what christmas is all about. Have a Blessed 2007.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Deja Vu
Denzel Washinton's latest movie is good. Especially as I had no idea what the movie was about. Sometimes its nicer to watch a movie without any preconceive ideas. He a virtuoso actor. Travelling back in time takes a little persuading. I liked the movie. Two thumbs up from me.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Snap Happy!
Monday, December 04, 2006
On a lighter note, the two books I've ordered came this Jeffrey Archer's hardcover's on sale for christmas. What I relief I didn't bow down to temptation to buy the book three weeks ago. There's 25% off ....
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Ais Krim Goreng

Bora Ombak restaurant

Bora Ombak Cafe & Restaurant
G1, Kompleks Sukan Ampang, Persiaran Memanda 1, Taman Dato' Ahmad Razali, Ampang, 6800068000 Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: 03-4251 6303
Fax: 03-4251 6302
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Keropok Lekor


Friday, November 24, 2006
Everyday scrunchies!

Marmite sandwich

Vegetable Extract
Vitamin: Niacin
Vitamins: B1, B2, Folic Acid, B12 .
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
We live for coffee breaks

I did a very stoopid thing two days ago. After a carbohydrate laden lunch, I drove home in an extremely sluggish state. Have you ever driven in such a state? Its a horrible feeling. Your eye-lids feel like lead. To counter-act this, I talked to self in the car, looking like a mad woman. ( WHo cares!!! In the name of road safety..I think this is justified)
Anyway, I parked the car at the carpark and walked down a few flight of stairs. I thought the journey shorter than usual. Slept like a baby. Woke up at 5pm with a dry mouth ( ahem) and a nagging right-sided headache which was a great excuse to NOT do any work.
The next morning, I beeped the front door of the condo and proceeded to car park. The thing is I couldn't find my car. At the very spot where it should have been....there was this huge empty spot. I had the usual tachycardia and cold sweat and an overwhelming sense of doom. Mentally I ticked off the list of things in car which was precious. I calmed down when i realised..apart from the car itself..I had nothing else of value in it.
For 10 seconds I saw my world spinning around me haphazardly. Let me just say ten seconds is a mighty long time. The thing is, I'd parked my car at an identical carspot ONE FLOOR below. I walked down two flights of stairs to find it sitting where I'd left it yesterday afternoon.
Now isn't that just about the silliest thing to have done?? And the picture above is our coffee mugs...lined up. Usually somebody does the job of pouring them instant two-in-on coffes in before the hot water. Our coffee break ritual. Maybe I should have taken coffee that day. Sure would have saved me a lot of bother.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Vanity thy name is woman

The picture is so obviously not of me. Taken at my previous home ( yes some of us still move houses ). For those of you ignomarous folks out there, this here is TIGGER. the stuffed dog featured in the background is nameless. the white cushion has sentimental value...aged 10 years it was a birthday gift and has helped cushion the ole bum for years.
I've been obsessing over what to wear on Toosday. nothing special happening then, just a weeny viva session whereby you've vulnerable to being humilliated by being exposed as an ignorant person. ( Exams bring out the vulnerability...and crabbiness ) I've decided that black should be the theme. It is subtle if not a trifle boring.
Here's the theme on missing things, I've misplaced the bottom part of my suit. I'm taking this as a sign from higher authorities to wear something else. ( still staying on the black theme naturally ) This afternoon...I have a perfect excuse for going shopping. ...for some sheer black stockings. Yes even in the tropics ...with sweltering temps....bare legs are perhaps not the best thing to expose.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
A wedding dinner

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Reading three the one time
Two months back, I found a wonderful way to entertain self by reading two books within the same space of time. Last week, I've stretched myself to three books and they are....
1. A place called here. By Cecelia Ahern
2. The Yummy Mummies
3. Fanny and the monsters. By Penelope Lively.
It's all a little muddled and I especially enjoy reintroducing self to the respective characters in each book. Better than sudoku.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Do you have green fingers?

Cameron Highlands is located 150km north of Kuala Lumpur. It is named after a British surveyor,William Cameron who discovered this place during a mapping expedition in 1885. It is Malaysia's largest tea-producing area.
This picture is an old picture. I don't mean ancient-old but probably about 3 years old. Taken during my first-ever trip to Cameron Highlands. For Malaysians, the cooler climate where the temperature never rises above 25 degrees is too much to resist. And so, despite the winding journey up ....Cameron Highlands will remain a a popular holiday spot.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Amanda Brookfield

The Simple Rules of Love. A beautifully written and heart-warming book.Imagine the rush of joy when you start reading a book, only to find the words describing things and allowing you to imagine and get absorb with the characters. Brookfield has this uncanny ability to keep you interested. I've only just finished this book and already I'm sorry I don't have a replacement. Such emptiness. A short trip to the bookstore tomorrow after work...definitely.
Thursday already?

Char Kuey Teow! The best ones are sold by hawkers at the road-side-stalls. They are a dying breed. If you're one of those namby-pamby ones with delicate stomachs but still insist on a good char kuey teow, I can recommended two places. the first ( nearer home ) is this Indonesian restaurant at Hartamas Shopping center. The second is at this nyonya restaurant ( its all the RAGE now ...but less fashionable 20 years ago ) Ah tuan Ee either at Berjaya Times Square or at the Curve.
This Char Kuey Teow was yummy. And I ate it at the side of the road with no immediate tummy-complications. So Live dangerously and you'ld be amazed by the good food out there. Its yours for the taking.
Oyster omelet

Thursday, November 02, 2006
How to be a writer...

I suppose, you'ld have to write quite a bit before you get anything worth shouting about. Its a little bit like riding a bicycle, you have to persevere until by sheer determination you actually hang on. ( minus the trainer wheelies I mean ) When I learnt how to cycle, I wore my shoes throughout the process. But in this case of writing...I'll take my chances and do it bare-footed and dressed down.
And so here I am..writing about food. Only because I obscess over it quite a bit and it's always pleasant to brag about what you've eaten. This is crabs in coconut milk.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Is this worth the money?

He is however more famous for having spent time in jail. This is his second novel since being released. False Impression was a fast and furious read. I wonder whether this new book is worth 90 ringgit......
Monday, October 23, 2006
Balik Kampung
Once again, we're right smack in the midst of the holiday mood. Malaysia has the most public holidays. Or at least it feels like it sometimes. We're celebrating Deepavali and Raya Puasa all in the one. The festival of lights is celebrated by starts with the ganga snanam, a cleansing ritual. A visit to the temple follows....with ceremonial rites and prayers to mark the auspicious day. The festival of light brings hope..for a better world and a better life. Happy Deepavali:)
What I'm reading...
Grey's anatomy
I've been glued to the pc...since purchasing the entire season two of Grey's Anatomy. Woohooo,
okay before you people think it's the Mcdreamy pull, it isn't. Althought Demsy is really a dream isn't he? It airs on NTV7 or something every Monday. But I'm too impatient to wait weekly for each episode. As a result, I've completed the entire viewing and now I should really get a life:)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Take a PCM and sleep it off
I'm a firm believer in avoiding medicine when ill. Unless of course you're a patient in which case you are to follow the doctor's order to the letter. Because they've studied long and hard hours to earn the power to do just that.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
What I will buy
This power house voice is something to listen to. She's Sabahan...part filipino and I've heard her life before. Just got an email re Mia's new single.
I have been staring at the PC screen since 9:48am this morning. It's been a trying and tedious time for me. I sometimes feel like I'm masquerading as a person who should know her way around the pc. Have you ever, typed midway only to have your fat ( optional ) fingers hit some blasted key....and then ( get this ) the entire page realigns itself in some weird gawd-forsaken way?
Just a few minutes ago...the unthinkable happen. I now know....toes can be devious appendages too. ( Listen up and take note those of you with wiggly toes ). My left toe hit the off button which is strategically placed way way below the pc....and just for a moment ( where I thought my life had ended ) the screen suddenly went blank. And all I could do was hyperventilate for a good 10 seconds before switching the damm machine on again.
And so here I am ( a survivor ) picking up the bits and pieces and getting along with life as best she can. I'm midway through the corrections I'm meant to be doing. All them ticks and annotations to take note. I haven't showered ( which shows some dedication to getting down to work ) and I haven't been out of the house today.
Friday, September 22, 2006
A glimpse of the future
Sunday, September 10, 2006
A relief?
Princess kiko , married to the second son has managed to resolve the succession issue in Japan by producing a son. Does this take the pressure off Masako? Will she finally be rid of her guilt? Only time will tell.
Congatulations Princess Kiko.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Just because your breath will reek of petai for hours after the meal doesn't mean you should deprive self of this wonderful concoction here. Delicious, simple ( one would presume ) and on the table in 30 minutes. Its so easy to impress family and friends. Provided you've ascertain their preference to petai a week before. Otherwise dare to be different and convert those NON-believers out there.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Delicious by Ms Read

Ms Read 's "Delicious" is simply that....delicious. As you walk into its warm interior you feel welcomed. There is an abundance of the "feel-good" factor.
My favourite dish would have to be the duck spaghettini with a sprinking of garlic. It's light and as you chew the garlicky flavour starts to come in. The duck pieces must be marinated in some sweet sauce because it tastes heavenly sweet. Whoever thought a sweetish tasting duck would enhance pasta so well. For straightfoward good food, you can't go wrong. Forget your usual cream-laden carbonara sauce. I'll give it 4 stars ( let's just assume for 2 minutes I'm a famous food critic .)
*serves 2 ( small eaters)
1.Smile as you walk into the restaurant
2 Don't mull over the menu, zoom right in and order
3.Team it with hot lemon tea or coke ( the choice is yours )
4 Sit back and enjoy the wait
5.When the dish arrives....take a moment to inhale before you dig in
Its important not to have had anything heavy 4 hours prior .
DELICIOUS BY MS READ G1A Ground Floor Bangsar Village Bangsar Kuala Lumpur Reservations: 03-22881770
F315 First Floor One Utama Phase 2 Bandar Utama Petaling Jaya Reservations: 03-77241086
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Oh dear.

Monday again. Time flies and I'm still recovering from last weekend. What a lag. The weekend was nice. Midterm break, ie less cars on the road cos folks with children have flocked to smaller towns leaving us working folks with clear roads and even tempers.
Today Siti Nurhaliza got married. What's the big deal you ask yourself? Well in all honesty, it's not that great a deal. Only Malaysia's number one pop princess getting married to her own prince charming. ( Older then expected..a divorcee with 4 children...and a messy divorce behind him ) But as they say, "LOVE IS BLIND". And occasionally love is dumb as well. I wish her well. Congratulations SITI!! And I wish for you, a very happy and successful marriage.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
A challenge indeed.
4 jobs I've had in my life:
1.Librarian ( in college)
2.Organist for mass ( transient post..I got bored )
3. .........( I'm basically point lying..)
4.overworked and underpaid government servant. ( current job description )
4 places I've lived in
2.Singapore ( if you string together them annual holidays to visit'll add up at least 1 whole year )
4.Back to Malaysia again
4 TV series I enjoy watching
1.Me and My girl
3.Desperate housewives
4.House / Grey's anatomy. ( I know I'm only allowed four...but it doesn't count if it's in one line)
4 places I've been on vacation
1. Singapore
3.Paris ( took us ages to hunt down eurodisney )
4.Batam ( an island off Singapore which technically belongs to indonesia )
4 places I'ld like to visit
1.Giant's causeway
2.Vatican City for easter mass please
3.Bali...( only if I can return alive and well )
4.Venice ( That episode in Bold and Beautiful had some lovely scenes )
4 places I'ld rather be right now
1.Shop Street winter admiring the shop fronts.
2.Home in my own bed preferably with the rain beating down.
3.The Alps...interlaken ( and pretend I'm a chalet school girl )
4.Having tea with Maeve Binchey ( I'm sure the invitation will come..some day ..fingers crossed )
4 websites I visit daily
1.Aunty Marianne
2.Tan Lucy Pez
3. Gnightgirl
4 favourite foods.
1.Nasi Goreng Kampung with petai ( Plaza Damas )
2.Keropok lekor ( only the original ones from Kuala Trengganu will do don't fob me off with any other)
3.Ms Read's Duck Spaggethini
4. Dome's spicy olio with beef bacon bits
4 places I feel at home
1.Raub Pahang
2.No 5 newcastle road Galway
3.Upper thomson singapore present address ( hush hush )
4 things I wish for
1. A painless viva ( thesis session ) in Nov 2006
2.To play the violin like an angel and be less tone deaf
3. Failing play the piano better
4. To own a whole series of out-of-print books by Elinor M Brent Dyer...and Ruby Ferguson books.
4 concerts I've been to
1. Scenario's concert in Tawau. ( Embarrasing but true )
2....................the plan to watch an MPO fell through
3................missed the pussy cat dolls concert recently. That's right I LIKE them
4 person's I want to challenge
1. Jimbo
The blanks were unintentional. I certainly hope you enjoyed reading this bit. I'm off to bed now. Good night
Monday, July 31, 2006
Ais Kacang

The sky looks gloomy once again this afternoon so it doesn't have to take a claivoryant to predict a huge thunderstorm any time now. Dun leave home without an umbrella.

Saturday, July 29, 2006
It's arrived
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Chicken soup
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Chicken Little....

Today being Monday, you can expect low mood and crabby faces. But, in addition to this, we had a busy day. Loads of leg work and that's when I found my shoes squeak quite a bit. A friend pointed this out to me ....when the squeak became too regular to ignore on a quiet corridoor. I tied the hair up vigorously in a feeble attempt to look neater...only to have this backfire with a nagging one-sided tension headache after lunch. And so, I walked about the remaining part of the afternoon looking like I'd just woken up from sleep.
Monday, July 24, 2006
The stuff of dreams!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
A return to elegance....

I have only ever been to Penang twice. Once at the age of 5...where as the story goes, I vomited quite a bit and quite spoilt the trip for everybody else present. The second visit was less eventful, a school trip ....only memory of which is " Right here waiting for you" by Richard Marx playing in the background at the road side stall in the night.
This trip ( over the weekend ) was definitely better. No vomiting..and no Richard Marx music. It was hot. Scorching hot in fact. The whole do was held at Eastern and Oriental Hotel Penang, ( E&O for short ) Built in 1885 its one of the remaining colonial buildings in Penang. Its actually a combination of two hotels Eastern and Oriental. The eastern hotel was founded by the Armenian Sarkies brothers. ( Noe the picture of Sarkies corner...where you get your meals ) The hotel has changed hands many times and has had some famous guests ie...Rudyard Kipling and Somerset Maugham. Interesting yes?
The frightening thing was, on the first night in Penang, it stormed and the winds blew madly. The waves hit the wall and went up as high as the coconut tree and the E&O pool was flooded with sea water as was the ground floor. All hushed hushed now. Was it a mini Tsunami?