Saturday, February 04, 2006

Cancerous meal?

Old habits die hard. This is far better than mere sardines...teamed with a bowl of steaming's a perfect breakfast. A seed of doubt re healthiness on meal has been sown. I wonder whether there is any truth in THIS tasty dace causing cancer if ingested in moderate amounts. Posted by Picasa


The Aunt said...

Oh Edina ... while most of your meals instil vast amount of hunger in me, your breakfasts just sound appalling. Bon appétit, is all I can say, and I'll stick to my bowl of muesli and an orange.

But very, very healthy. Porridge and tinned fish - cholesterol would just run for cover.

edina monsoon said...

Auntry marianne: HAHAHHA Honest to goodness, we don't eat healthy meals most days...but its nice you think so:)Porridge ( savoury ) is quite the usual breakfast for chinese....The Teochew porridge is a watery mush...where you have bowls of pickled choose from. They serve this concoction at the hotels during buffet breakfast. Another good reason WHY you should visit Malaysia:)

The Aunt said...

Hmmm. You might have to find another form of bait than that.

George Clooney might work.

edina monsoon said...

*hands on waist* G. Clooney eh? Well we'll see whether they have any of em floating about at KLCC.