I didn't make the name up, it is really G-U-O-M-A-N. The correct title should read "Guoman Resort Port Dickson" which is where I spent the weekend.You have to wade through the weekend traffic to get to PD. We left at a respectable time of 1:30pm breaking for light lunch before resuming the journey. The roads have changed somewhat from two years ago, which is the approximate time I was last there. We missed the turn off and joyfully drove on ....as we left civilisation behind, the nagging suspicion of having made a mistake egged us on to rethink the next plan of action. 5 minutes into the debate....a decision was made. And so, we turned around and made our way back to somewhere midway from where we thought the mistake arose from.
Guoman is supposedly second on the list of top 5 resorts to visit in PD. As we drove in and left the main road behind us, the view of the golf course which greeted us was a very pleasant . My room was lovely. I would post pictures if it weren't for the AWFUL fact I left the camera behind. Murphy's law:(
I have never made any secret of being sentimental, and I certainly am not going to start now. Dear me...such memories this town inspires in me. I spent 5 years of living here.Went to Kindergarten here before we uprooted for the great Malaysian Outback. It occured to me,that memories are lovely things to have. It is howevere alarming to realise, how underdevelop PD is to Seremban. The town had a has-been air about it. Well, that's the trick of fate and there's no escaping that fact. Progress doesn't come to all towns in Malaysia.
The picture above was pinched off the net:)
So nice! Never been there myself. Are you going for the MEMS in Redang? I am trying to get sponsors...literally on my knees! I need a break! I need sunshine! I need to skinnydip! heh heh!
Not going to redang:( The last time I collected nits from Berjaya redang:( eeeeek.
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