Facts about Hugh Laurie.
1. I like him. Not because of "house" . He's acted as Bertie Wooster before. And I had them DVDs for christmas last year. ( He teamed up with Stephen Fry...absolute genius of a combination if I may say so )
2.He's British. So how come he's cultivated an american accent and does it flawlessly?. Can't answer that one.
3.His father, William George Ranald Mundell Laurie, won the olympic Gold medal in rowing.
4.In the Blackadder series..he teamed up with Rowan Atkinson. ( My brother adores blackadder)
5. He once dated Emma Thomson. And it is she who introduced him to Fry.Obviously they're not an item anymore. ( Emma and Hugh )
6.The role he plays ....cantankarous doctor who trusts no one doesn't do him justice, IMHO!
7. He achieved a third class degree in Anthropology and Archaelogy from Selwyn College, Cambridge.
8. He stands 6 feet 2 and a half inches tall.
9.Full name James hugh Calum Laurie. I wonder why nobody calls him James laurie.....
10. He's happily married with three children.
The Fry and Laurie thing was the double act that brought them both to our attention. What a joy. Stephen Fry is well on his way to sainthood IMHO.
I have to confess that prior to seeing this photo, I had never considered Hugh Laurie as being good-looking.
How wrong I was.
That's right. He is good looking. Am still reading Stephen Fry's book ...his collection of short stories "Paperweight". Gosh what wouldn't I give to be able to write like him:) Oh boy!!
P.S. In England, when you get a Third class degree, it's because you were busy doing something else. He barely passed. Even I scraped an Upper Second.
It's OK in his case, because we know what he was doing. Cambridge Footlights. Of Monty Python Fame.
Check 'em out.
auntry marianne: Hahahah:) Well I'm sure H laurie would be mighty pleased to read this. Right I guess its high time I dig out the old Monty Python vedio tapes ..which I'm sure is stashed somewhere in the house.
I was just going to say the same thing about a third class degree. Even I, a foreigner, got an Upper Second Degree. I was even only half a point from a First.
Happily married? An actor? Is that possible?
anna:Good grief....Hugh must have done NO studying at all then. Just goes to show...degrees don't matter half as much as living your dreams. Way to go Hugh...
Fred: Oh dear....oh dear:P "happily married" means...married and not heading towards divorce anytime soon in the world of the rich and famous.
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