Thursday, June 21, 2007

The uphill battle

Okay, so violin playing isn't as easy as I thought it would be. Yes yes, others have said it looked difficult. But I nursed a secret wish I would find it easy and be playing in the MPO by say next year. Not so apparently. The notes are still sloppy and as the lessons progress, I now find the right arm ( previously well behaved ) refusing to follow orders. I refuse to be beaten by a piece of stick with horsehair stuck on both ends. Practise, practise...makes perfect.

Book 2 seems slow-going.


3e said...

i'm hoping to learn this with my little one..i can't wait!!!

The Aunt said...

We came very close to murdering my sister round about year 2. She gave up not long after. No-one was sorry.

Don't let that put you off, though.

edina monsoon said...

elaine: How exciting:) Please keep us updated.

the aunt: HAH! Thankfully the neighbours cant complain as they have a small baby who cries at the most akward time. So my violin playing is at least heard at NON akward times of the day. I WIN!