Sunday, July 08, 2007

Wires are nasty things..

The desktop has been acting up for at least 3 months. And I have been procrastinating my trip to the pc doctor ( ie the man in sg wang plaza who sold me the pc ) forever. But today, I was determined to get things sorted. The last time I unplugged the wires, I had a jolly hour trying different permutations before the monitor worked. So today ( smug look ) I got smart and took pictures step by step.
For the record, the monitor didn't come on until a good half an hour later. ( And with a bit of swearing under my breath to get things going ). I think this desktop wants me to be miserable. Why else would it act up every few months?


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

My desktop is also acting up, ours must be in cahoots! I keep trying to reformat it, but apparently I don't know HOW. In the meantime, I reboot 80,000 times a day.

edina monsoon said...

Oh dear. Mine runs on non-orginal windows...hence the frequent hiccups. The wireless gadget is the third I've bought since owning this machine. Sometimes I think it's better to go non-wireless for stability.