Monday, January 14, 2008

What a wonderful

Okay so here's the deal....there's this lovely bookstore in Atria...with books to be bought at bargain prices. It's addictive. Once you're there...the books ( at hugely low prices) are irrisitible. I didn't resist too hard. No point. Oh the shoes were bought somewhere else. But I thought it would complete the picture if I added them to the picture. I can't wait to read my books and wear my shoes. No I don't wish for more feet so I can wear them all at the one go. But I would like tomorrow's tiring shopping.

You might notice Georgette Heyer features quite abit. It was a steal at RM 19:90. The same book at MPH costs RM 49:90. So you can imagine the kick I got when I paid for them. Such a steal. Gervase Phinn was a lucky find two weeks back. The cover looked good. And someone had written it was like James Heriott so I decided to try one. Oh boy oh boy...can the man write. I couldn't put it down.....really enjoyable. So I went back to buy the lot.

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