Thursday, February 26, 2009
Have a good weekend blah blah
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The well travelled prawns
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday....second day of the week
Sunday, February 22, 2009
How the weekend went on...
Friday, February 20, 2009
The sea
I feel 20% rejuvenated already,despite dozing off on the rattan chair this afternoon with the evening sun on my face. This is Port Dickson, and for the next 48 hours the sea will be less than 500 metres away from me. Do you then wonder why city-folks die younger? How can we live in this mini-jet-setter lifestyle ( we're talking pace here not actually the act of jet-setting like the rich and famous, or rich and not famous) and not realise it? I believe the human body can ( and does ) adjust to the presto tempo. Maybe a little too well.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
I can't decide whether I like ...I mean really like facebook. It's certainly more interactive than blogging. Over here, you wait in anticipation for some comments. And this may take a while. In FB world, you get quick replies to just about anything you post.
Status update ( FB style ) Edina is .....( taking a break from facebook )
Monday, February 16, 2009
Kim chi for everyone
From Korean drama serials..I've moved onto Dolsot Bibimbap. The BEST bibimbap, (and believe you me I've tried a lot of them across the Klang valley ) can be found on the 6th floor Sungai Wang Plaza. Tucked in a secluded lane of clothes is Restoran Shin. The girls who waitress there know me well although we haven't actually had a conversation before. Before I sat down yesterday evening, the waitress Smiley face spoke out the order " Bibimbap Chicken, Corn tea"? And we smiled.
"Meeting Mr Kim" is a travelogue by Jennifer Barclay. Can't give a review cos I only got the book this afternoon.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Oh dearie me
Past imperfect

Thursday, February 12, 2009
A funereal day in the week
Monday, February 09, 2009
Boundless energy
I have given more attention to this blog in this 3 weeks than in the last 3 years. There has been more than an intermittent absence periodically. And as Anna has pointed out I do tend to blog in spurts. Clearly this approach has not concerned faithful-Anna. This year you will be treated to regular posts. Since the flowers made their way here. It shall now be one of my more enjoyable tasks for 2009. Wish me luck!
I'm not going to blog in spurts which means I'll add something unrelated here. This counts for one post:) Thru "Kernel of truth" blog, I found this link to a very very funny complaint letter to Richard Branson. Go read it please.
Do Not Remove This Tag Under Penalty Of Law
1. Where is your cell phone? - table 2. Your significant other? - Paesold 3. Your hair? - Fringe-ed 4. Your mother? - unpacking 5. Your father? - working 6. Your favorite place? - bed 7. Your dream last night? - blank 8. Your favorite drink? - Cafe21 9. Your dream/goal? - professor 10. What room you are in? - Den 11. Your hobby? - chicklit 12. Your fear? - stoopidity 13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? - Ahead 14. Where were you last night? - condo 15. Something that you aren't? - mathematician 16. Muffins? - Please 17 Wish list- MAC 18. Where you grew up? - Raub 19. Last thing you did? - teeth 20. What are you wearing? - jammies 21. Your TV? - Walled 22. Your pet(s)? - Dead 23. Friends? - Sound 24. Your life? - Goooooood 25. Your mood? - complacent 26. Missing someone? - no 27. Car? - Jazz 28. Something you're not wearing? - scarbo 29. Your favorite store? - Chowrastra 30. Your favorite color? - green 33. When is the last time you laughed? - Sunday 34. Last time you cried? - sunday 35. Who will resend this? - Nobody 36. One place that I go to over and over? - Loo 37. One person who emails me regularly? - Nana
I have been tagged by a facebook friend. It's a one-answer tag so I haven't had an attack of expressive dysphasia. Shame on you for thinking so. The tag didn't say I couldn't write more here goes.
Paesold is the made of my violin. Scarbo is scabies meds ( Dun ask!!!) The crying and laughing were not on the SAME sunday. I'm not hypomanic. Chowrastra is an Old market in Penang where there's a huge huge huge collection of second-hand books. Nana is the secretary at work.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Short fingers at work
“I was much distressed by next door people who had twin babies and played the violin; but one of the twins died, and the other has eaten the fiddle, so all is peace.”
Edward Lear
At about 7:40am on most Saturdays, I would peel the eyes open and just about that time, give or take a couple of minutes, the urge to practise grips me right in the right wrist. From then on, the stool is pulled and the notes turned to the right page, and the blasted "scales and Arpeggios" book is on on the music stand. The neighbours deserve an award for their patience with my playing. But I should like to gently point out that they are in a posession of a baby who cries ( according to my tuner in C sharp and E flat....some nights). So we're pretty even for now.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Pisang Kaki

Wikipedia ( yes desperate times we resort to this mode of data-collection from net ) tells me some interesting facts. China is the main exporter. ( Oh please please let it not have been soaked in some weird chemicals in some backlane in mainland China ). You get diarrhoea when you eat too much. ( Wikipedia did not elaborate on the exact definition of "too much". I guess that's pretty subjective. Big burly guys could woffle 10 and that'll be just about right. A toothpick supermodel might take a nibble and exclaim that she's had TOO MUCH. And you CANNOT eat persimmon with crab meat. The first thing I thought was, who on EARTH would eat this combination? Would you??
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
How many pins do I need?
While never claiming to be vain, I do like to look passable. And so with all the fuss about the fringe, I should like to report a certain ( although weak ) affinity I seem to be developing to it. It's early days yet but we can hope:)
I meet old friends
Nimble-toes and Smiles are old friends. How do you become an old friend? Well first you need to have met back in the dark ages where you have bad hair and you don't realise it, and your glasses are geeky but yet you are strut about thinking you're hip , you took the public transport willingly ( and not because your car broke down )and didn't think that was odd. Other pre-requisites for qualifying to be " OLD FRIENDS": You must have a shared history, enough stuff for you to rake up during get-togethers and start saying " Do you remember...blah blah blah?"
Old Friends have enough sense not to bring up messy pasts, embarassing memories are deftly kicked into a corner, they choose to dwell only in good memories. Sometimes, when they feel brave, they might just touch on sensitive topics gingerly to see whether that opens old wounds. Testing the waters! We forgive old friends more easily that recent friends. Or at least that is what it should be.
I had plans to meet up with old friends this fringe and I will be home this weekend. We're still a tad shy
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Bangs or fringe
Monday, February 02, 2009
Travel Light

First day of work...last day of holidays
"But I neeeeed streamyx" I wailed to nobody in particular. As a surprise we got broadband installed at the parent's place. And since then..I've been a busy little bee.
1) Got a flickr account going and learnt (only this morning mind ) how to blog pictures from flickr
2)Installed Webcam on two laptops and a desktop. *smug look*
3)Joined bookblogs last night. So regular book reviews from now. 4)FACE-lifted blog and truthfully this seems to have kick started points 1-3
This is the year of the Raging Bull. Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!