Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A shoddy caffe latte
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Thank you mum
- Canon in G ( got a beautifully arranged score...which looks deceiving simple but isn't)
- Jesu Heart of man's desiring
Busy busy busy

Friend or foe
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Soba noodles

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Bird cage decor
To drink or not to drink
Monday, April 13, 2009
What we did for Easter Sunday
Easter started with Mass at St John's followed by breakfast by which time I was already drained of energy.( I hear you say OLD lady...) I napped. Then we went to visit the IJ convent In Cheras. And then it poured and poured and poured. So we ended up doing grocery shopping nearer home. Just in case of flash floods. You can never be too safe.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Hungry Monk
It's the time for birthdays in our family. My dad's was last week.( He got a present and was suitably pleased with it.) The brother has a birthday next month and the niece has a birthday this month. ( I'm not quite sure but I think it's THIS month rather than next month.) I think cupcakes are a good substitute for a whopping birthday cake.Easier to transport.( Cakes tend to lend on one side sometimes...during transportation from shop to home.) Easier to divide. ( one cupcake arguments. And when you have anything weeny, it automatically fulfills the criteria to be called cute. My friend H. has gone on a rampage of cup-caking....hers are gorgeous. Her latest have this saying on it " I hate Mondays". How cool is that?
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Easter:)
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Retrospective entry
I must have been so tired I up-loaded a picture..and nothing else yesterday. Jeepers! A combination of slow-internet connection and a distracted mind. Would it be wrong to say the koreans love these post-its as a way of expressing themselves? I've seen these in two other s places
1)the first is from a scene " Lovers in Prague". Korean drama serial.
2)The second was at the "little korean" place in Ampang. There were simply loads of little messages stuck on the wall.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Tiring Toosday
In Japan, 2 in 5 adults eat ice-cream at least once a week. And nobody gets fat. Maybe its wasabi ice-cream that they consume. Maybe it's genetic. If so, there's nobel price to be won for successfully identifying the "thin" gene.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Sunday, April 05, 2009
The joy of listening
Do you know them?

Spanish Dance
A group of us watched this Spanish Dance performance last Wednesday. There were 7 of them altogether. 3 women and the rest men. It started with a marlon-brando body habitus man in unkempt hair-do yodelling away. All this time, a single ( slightly overweight dare I add ) lady attempted some clicking of heels intermittently. They kept saying "ah-lay" from time to time. Not in unison..but one after another, which made it seemed unrehearsed. I felt sorry for them the first few minutes. Of course much later in the programme, I realised this was all intentional.
The programme consisted of dancing ( never in unison) and the men got away lightly. Their role apparently was to sing ( marlon brando man ) click his heels ( adrien brody body habitus but certainly not nearly as good-looking ) and playing the guitar. One other guys was the "ah-lay" man. And they ALL clapped...a few nanoseconds you can this effect of rumbling clapping with a low droning conversation in the background.
I will sound mean when I say this, the ladies were rotund. ( possibly in girdles ) And one change of outfits saw two of them in pokka-dotted monstrosities. ( Don't you wish I had taken a picture now...?)