*I've only just realised, have posted three entries in the one day. Oh dear...blog-post-diarrhoea
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thai Mango Salad...less spicy
Japanese biscuits...from err..Japan
These are most certainly quite suspiciously funereal:) A gift from a friend who recently visited Japan.( Thanks!) What are they you may well ask....they are in actual fact japanese crackers. I haven't figured out whether those disturbingly haunting heads are edible. They're still in the packaging,only because it's been a pretty busy two weeks....so these crackers will have to wait..
Look what I found....
The prequel to Anne of Green Gables....found it in the local TIME bookstore. I've seen it before in another bookstore...where I don't qualify for 10% discount. So on this counter...are the 4 things I brought home with me this evening. The book, the errrrm hershey's chocolate and the two potted plants:) The plants have wilted. I think being in an air-conditioned environment didn't suit them one bit. That and the fact I clean forgot to water them...so they ( hopefully) have been brought home...in the hope of palming them off onto mum.( who has decidedly greener fingers than I).
Today was exceptionally speedy. Only because not one single minute of the working day was spent in idle tasks. But as a result, my entire body feels lethargic. And I'm sluggish. And it's not H1N1....
At our doorstep and beyond
Ladies and gentleman, it's official. We have H1N1 in our midst nobody can deny it unless they're deaf and blind and possibly mad. And so this has ( for some of us ) become our latest fashion accessory. If the level of safety is proportional to the uncomfortableness of this contraption, then it would be incredibly fool-proof.
Try wearing it for an hour. And I'ld be pleasantly surprised if you don't slum down in a corner somewhere from lack of oxygen. The mitigation period is over. And so we now treat them in various hospitals around the country. The suspected are no longer shipped to designated hospitals. That being the current situation, we now need to equip ourselves with stock of tamiflu as well as some common sense to tackle this potential epidemic.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Yasmin Ahmad dies
Yasmin Ahmad 's death is a great loss to us Malaysians. In a multinational, multicultural country where racial tensions from bygone years are sometimes difficult for some to forget let alone forgive, Yasmin explored such issues and by doing so allowed us, her audience to dare dream of a better Malaysia.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
2 more weeks...Oh boy!!
Health...where art thou?

I'm sick of feeling sick. Pure and simple. There's no appetite. Your nose gets all gooey and everything smells the same ie there is no smell actually. ( I sprayed a good 5 squirts of perfume this morning..and still didn't smell anything, although I'm sure other folks smelt something alright.) The annoying thing is this, just when you're lured into this safety zone, where you feel okay, I'm well, the body does it's weird achy feeling. And your energy level takes a downward spiral. And you get crabby. I'm miserable...and I really really want to feel well again.
Picture is of the niece taken 3 years ago...when her parents still new to this didn't realise the bub was cold until they bung up the heater and she finally stopped crying. These kids!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
This is IT!!!
Today marks ONE week of being sick, with a hacking cough productive of greenish salty goo every morning, and evening and night as well. The voice wasn't a problem initially until midweek where it got to a stage my voice sounded suspiciously like a 12-year old boy's voice cracking during puberty. The aches and pains weren't present at all. And the fever was sorted out with a daily dose of paracetamol. Sadly, there is no happy ending this evening. I'm still ill. Not sick as a dog kind of ill.....but under the weather. And there is NO VOICE. I can't communicate unless it's via email/sms/mime. Frustrating! So please be grateful for your voices. It is VERY nice to be able to speak and be heard. I shall be over the moon when the voice returns. In the meantime, I've taken Monday off work...to lie in bed and rest. As a final desperate step, I am starting on a course of antibiotics and DIFFLAM throat spray.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Voice-less and grumpy
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Mid week

I want my voice back please!! So if anyone finds it loitering about the shopping centers, send it right back to its rightful owner, who currently is making do with a toad as a voice-box and is feeling horrendously miserable. The no-voice issue if only superseded by the nagging suspicion that this might bring on ( shudder) an asthma attack.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
The colour of my phlegm
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Paracetamol the wonder drug

I awoke with aching muscles, and the sorethroat from the night before had become more sore overnight. Feeling sorry for self, I made my way to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I had rusty colour sputum. Always wondered why people called it rusty. Now I know first hand. Because it looks just like the color, should you ever have the need to dip a rusty nail into a beaker of clear water. Miracles!! After swallowing two panadols ( that was difficult) I sat down in front of the computer......
3 hours later..I'm well. I've done two cycles of laundry, hoovered the floor and parts of the furniture which looked and felt dusty...showered and washed the hair. And at 9:30am with the Saturday morning sun shining right into the hall, I'm able to enjoy the weekend minus the aching limbs.
Photo from benjitoh's photostream
Friday, July 03, 2009
I have a sore thoat:(

Picture from anna.mckibben's photostream
Read this....

Ms Monsoon does not bake. And yet she features cupcakes on her facebook account. A debut novel from Monsoon that explores the joys of cupcaking from a can't-bake individual. Monsoon is a cup-aholic. From failed banana-cake-baking to instant noodle fare the mental and physical challenges are well tackled with a touch of innocent humour.
( This is a make-believe post...because it's friday morning....and the weekend starts in a few hours..making me a very happy individual)
Thursday, July 02, 2009
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