Monday, September 07, 2009

Ever been stuck in a dress before?

On Sunday, mum and I did a spot of window-shopping which started off with us trying on various different outfits motivated by the huge discounted prices on the tags. Take the outfit above, Priced at 70% off it suddenly stopped looking so drabby and started ( in my minds at least) looking pretty darn good. The story isn't about this outfit, but another. 
Japanese cotton....soft as silk but with a warme feeling to it. This was the cloth the baju kurung was made from. Totally different outfit from the one above, and indeed a different story altogether. I chose ( pompously ) size "S" and hopped into the fitting room. Therein started the struggle to get into the size S. For some odd bizzare twisted reason, I suddenly got it into my head that if I could only get it over my head and shoulders...the rest would just slide through and fir snugly.  Well it didn't happen that way. When it passed the shoulders and I dragged it down felt like a bloody corset. All very uncomfortable. Then the real struggle began. I found myself literally STUCK in the baju kurung top. Not a comfortably feeling. I had to contort the body a bit. After possibly 5 minutes, I re-appeared from the fitting room with hair liked I had been dragged through the bushes. I could have died of suffocation in that fitting room...with the top cutting me off from any oxygen. Things learnt: never go into a fitting room alone with dodgy-sized clothes. Be accompanied at all times. Save all the worry


Anna, Fair and True said...

Haven't really had the experience in a dressing room but at home I've done a lot of crazy things trying to get dressed! :)

edina monsoon said...

anna anna:) hahaha My mind is thinking...just what kind of crazy things. hee hee