Sunday, September 13, 2009

How I spent my Saturday

The series of lectures ranged from basic facts on H1N1 , targeted I suspect to the General Practitioners in the audience...and this was repeated in slides from different speakers. This reflects ( what I think) the MOH's decision to make the public aware that GPs are being updated in a big way. What was odd was there was not a single respiratory physician represented in the panel of speakers. 90% of the H1N1 infections lead to respiratory related symptoms. Not that we're complaining of the lack of attention. Horrors NO! The GPs voiced their observation that they weren't represented. ( the resp physicians in the audience were too busy updating self with more personal gossip) 


SYUKS said...

Even Christopher Lee still use the same old slides..he he
And the talks about vaccine made me lost ! ha ha

edina monsoon said...

yes I agree. the vaccine presentation got a little technical at the SECOND slide onwards:P