Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The second wave of H1N1 possibly

Flu :( (Explored), originally uploaded by [ .. FaISaL .. ].

We are all down with the flu. When I saw we, I mean the entire family except the mother. ( She has miraculously escaped this. She swears by zinc tablets.) And I 've had at least 4 of them yesterday, as a desperate attempt to rid self of the bug. I've also wolfed down a couple of paracetamols along the way. What is the actual bug? Well, whatever bug it is, can you please be kind enough to leave my tired-achy body and find yourself another host? Because you are causing great inconvenience and I need my healthy-body back asap. And could you leave the nose in the condition you found it in? ( I now have blood streak leaky nose goo....) I'm now wide awake as a direct result of you...you silly awful bug. Two more paracetamols coming right up. And ...beware I am contemplating some antibiotics. Bang! Bang!....


Anna, Fair and True said...

I've taken the H1N1 vaccine so if it's that you can send it my way because I'm immune anyway! Get well soon!

edina monsoon said...

:) I suspect it may be. Am in recovery mode....slow going unfortunately. So today..I have decided to get on some antibiotics. There is only that much of green phlegm that I'm uncomfortable with.

Anna, Fair and True said...

Antibiotics won't help against the swine flu though. It's a virus so you need Tamiflu. But I guess I don't need to be telling a doctor that! ;)

edina monsoon said...

anna: we make the worst patients apparently. ( it's not true of course...) hee hee

Anna, Fair and True said...

I think it's probably true... ;)

edina monsoon said...
