Friday, September 21, 2012


The entrance was enticing
 Still on the Vienna theme. I seriously think those of you reading the last few posts are convinced I did NOT attend the conference. You're wrong. I had good time management:) And so here are some pictures , all centered on this one shop along the main street. I cannot name streets mainly because I wasn't too bothered with where I was walking. I'm more of a landmark kinda gal.  It was a lovely sunny morning and what else should one do but get an ice-cream and shop?
Clear lines..lovely bright feeling
 Do you not agree that this part looks very much like a nursery?
It gives you a happy feeling being in this shop
 You'ld expect some nappies and blue teddy bears stuffed in these drawers
Ahah!!! And here comes the selection
I was greeted with this sight and boy oh into a twist trying to choose the perfect flavour
Which flavour?
 Interesting names spelt differently but if said aloud brings the English meaning to mind. So no problems trying to decipher which was which.
After much oooh-ing and hmm-ing..this was my choice
I can't remember which flavour i chose eventually. Hazelnuss I think.


Lee Peng said...

Definitely love the pastel colour. Love to decoration too. Ice-cream in the morning?

edina monsoon said...

yes...mid-morning snack:) tee hee but I walked the calories away surely!