Thursday, April 11, 2013

Amanda Brooke writes a brilliant book

Kinokuniya( in KLCC, Kuala Lumpur) wins hands down; their selection of books are wider than mph, times and popular. I stayed away for too long. Last Saturday's visit was good. I found this on the shelf:two copies left. Well, now there's only one left.  Let's just see what the internet has to say about Amanda Brooke as an author.

1.This is her first novel. It was inspired by her feelings when her 3 year old son was diagnosed with leukemia . Despite going through a bone marrow transplant;Nathan ( her son) died. He was three years old and ten months.

2. She is 45 years old
3. She is from Liverpool
4. She has a  Amanda Brooke's Blog  to be directed there.

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