Saturday, November 23, 2013

Milka chocolates

Untitled, originally uploaded by andreaban2009.

Here is a collection of Milka chocolates in their traditional purple packaging. It's made in Austria so it made sense that the Budapest airport lounge had these goodies for us. Milka comes from a combination of two words " Milch (milk) and Kakao( cocoa). It's a German brand and the bigger bars carry their purple-cow-logo.

These chocs were yummie, I had 3-4 without stopping before moving on to nuts ( equally unhealthy) and felt ill as a direct result of my greediness during the first leg of the trip back to KL. It was worth it!


Anonymous said...

Milk chocolates are absolutely lovely! I have not seen a blog post about them recently so thank you for doing so and I must say from one blog owner to another I do love you layout! Look at me commenting and not stopping! If you wouldn't mind I'm new to blogging and have done my 1st blog post about my 1st restaurant visit, anyway my name is Boy4Food, if you want to be friends just tell me! I would love too!

edina monsoon said... let me know your link to your blog:) So I can visit and comment