The Mac has served its purpose. The euphoria of a talk going well, allowed me to indulge in a spot of shopping. Last Sunday, I left the mac shop with this spanking new toy. It looks sleek because it has a belkin black cover and black headphones. To say I love this new gadget would be an understatement:) I can't wait to learn more stuff....and soon.
I want one too!
OoooooHHHH!! Don't hold back:) BUY it buy it. And we can then discover new things on it together:) Come on Anna:)
Hubby got me an iTouch for my birthday last month. Needless to say he set it up for me. Have fun with your new toy :)
so what's next? iMac? hehehe...
I'll think about it! I do need a new phone soon!
I looooooooooooove my touch! Mine was begifted to me, after much protesting that I didn't need one. Now I couldn't live without one.
dobbs: Nice!!! I'm slowly finding my way around it. And enjoying the process.
Yoong Khean: Aiyoh....I think I need to space out my shopping sprees. Or I might regret it soon. So dun you dare suggest more toys.
Anna: Mine isn't an iphone:) But yes yes..go ahead and get one. I cant wait to hear you rave about it.
Gnightgirl: Wow! This is pretty consistent across the board. Those who own one...can imagine life without it. hee hee
hehe. i didnt suggest the ipod! u went and bought it all by youself!
Yoong Khean: yes *mournful look* I realise now I hardly need any encouragement to spend money.
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