A smooth flight to KB via MAS airlines |
This year's marking of the part two theory papers was held in USM Khota Baru. We flew there on Wednesday evening and flew back on Thursday evening.
A spot of window shopping is inevitable when we're mostly women in the marking paper entourage |
Naturally a bit of window shopping is good for the mood. ( and for the students cos its nice to mark papers when you're in a good mood)
Lecturers from three different universities sit together and mark away !!! |
And here we are....discussing...marking....re-marking....this is the OSCE group of examination papers being marked:) The other group appeared more efficient...we finished WAY ahead of these folks:)
Hey! Where's my pic?
On fb larrrrrr. Pi tengok. Siap tag lagi
Eh! My pics supposed to be the 'penyeri' for this entry you know!
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