Thursday, April 07, 2011

Marking at Universiti Sains Malaysia (part II)

A smooth flight to KB via MAS airlines
 This year's marking of the part two theory papers was held in USM Khota Baru. We flew there on Wednesday evening and flew back on Thursday evening.
A spot of window shopping is inevitable when we're mostly women in the marking paper entourage
 Naturally a bit of window shopping is good for the mood. ( and for the students cos its nice to mark papers when you're in a good mood)
Lecturers from three different universities sit together and mark away !!!
And here we is the OSCE group of examination papers being marked:) The other group appeared more efficient...we finished WAY ahead of these folks:)


Haris Abdul Rahman said...

Hey! Where's my pic?

edina monsoon said...

On fb larrrrrr. Pi tengok. Siap tag lagi

Haris Abdul Rahman said...

Eh! My pics supposed to be the 'penyeri' for this entry you know!