We had a good meal at
"Little Penang Cafe" this afternoon. Between the four of us, the wee table we were seated at looked full of plates, glasses, forks, spoons,chopsticks and elbows. I opted for a cleansing glass of chinese tea whilst the others had more diabetic-inducing drinks. It was hard to decide on what to eat. ( At this point, having 4 stomachs seemed appealing.)
My feet hurt. It's those awful heels. They say women withstand great pain in the name of beauty. And whoever "they" are...they're absolutely right. I'm now seated slouched at the pc with my poor feet up. There's a nagging ache from the ankle down and a very definitely wincing-type pain from the left ball of the feet. *oouch* Oooh just had a thought, would manolo blahniks cost less pain?