Thursday, December 13, 2007

Merry Christmas:)

FINALLY!! I've not only completed the christmas shopping...but it's all nicely wrapped and ready for putting under the tree. The relief of it all!


Anna, Fair and True said...

Oh, excellent, already being done! I'm not getting too many presents yet this year because we're going to South Africa instead. But I may buy some souvenirs from there for people.

edina monsoon said...

how nice:) My theme this year is getting something edible or useful. Nothing ornamental. It's easier to buy when you have a theme. Keeps you from deviating towards useless objects.

Anna, Fair and True said...

(When I wrote I'm not getting many presents...I meant I'm not buying too many... Just clarifying.

Good idea to have a theme!

edina monsoon said...

anna: ho ho ho. Okay good luck with the pressie-hunting.