Thursday, February 26, 2009

Have a good weekend blah blah

As a citizen of the modern world, I am now aware that travelling on planes is not necessarily a treat. Air pockets and bad landings are common enough occurence. Nobody so much as blinks an eye when the plane skids to a stop after bumming around the landing stripe a good 2-3 minutes. There might be an embarassed smile if you happen to catch somebody's eye, or maybe a shared moment of disbelief ...but most times, nobody bloody cares about the landing.
My worst to date would be across a sea on a blustery morning in winter...on a 737 with just that bit too many air pockets to be comfortable with. I spent the flight with my left hand on my left chest wall in a sorry attempt to calm the pitter patter. The air stewardess braved the rocky aisle to inquire........
I fly to Langkawi tomorrow.

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