Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Scarlet Pimpernal

I have decided to leave the leaky pipe story for a bit, the next blog entry re leaky pipe will be a victorious one I hope. Bloody pipe-fixing seems harder than I thought. Enough said!

The Scarlet Pimpernal has a special place in my heart. Not Baroness Orzy's novel, but the TV mini series starring Anthony Andrews and Jane Seymour. For Christmas I got the very same version downloaded into my ipod touch. The brother's thoughtful gift stems from most of his holidays being forced to watch the series repeatedly every morning before breakfast, after breakfast and indeed, at any time of the day. My other obsession was Nelson. For those ipod touch owners reading this, you'ld agree tha speakers of this lovely gadget is absolutely rubbish. When I played the series minus earphones, I surprised myself ( and brother possibly) by saying the lines along with the actors. What was it that attracted me to it as a child?

1. The lovely costumes and the dancing. Especially the scene where Lady Blakeney dances with Sir Andrew.
2. The background story line of the french revolution and the execution of the aristocrats and members of the royal family.
3.The fencing scene finale...where Sir Percy nicks the buttons off Chauverlain's coat eventually removing it with a flick of the epee.

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