Monday, June 20, 2011

New book ..for this week!

Found this book on Saturday. The first 2.3 pages were interesting. I hope I enjoy this. Must confess I've never read Jane Fallon's books before. Just completed Lisa Jewel's "after the party".Here's my mini review:
Jem and Ralph 's lives are played out but in different stages. Starts with the present and then there's a shift to the past and so forth. It moves with ease between the different time zones and as you read you feel your sympathy being shifted gradually from one partner to the other. Of course as in real-life relationships there isn't one person to blame and the gradual way the couple come to this realisation is done very nicely. So I'm going to give it a 7.9/10. Marked docked for the occasional irritating way Ralp behaves which irked me at times. And that third party Joel bit plus Jem having a one night stand with Joel's son was a little too creepy for me.Still, enjoyable but beware you must be in a fairly chirpy mood to be able to sustain self through. If you're feeling at all down best to leave this book for a while and return only when mood has lifted. Otherwise you may find yourself being dragged into Jem and Ralph's depressive state. Not a walk in the park.

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