Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Snail mail

Letter box in a small village in Pahang
There's a wee branch of POS MALAYSIA in the building I work in. So no excuse not to write more often. But to whom? Almost everyone these days is linked on gmail, hotmail, some mail. Even the parents have an account each. Although I should add they check it infrequently to the point of forgetting their passwords.


fibrate said...

Absolutely. Snail mail is dying a slow death. I don't even know how much it costs to mail a letter these days

edina monsoon said...

Let's snail mail each other once a month. To keep this art from dying:) Added to list of THINGS to do in the year 2011

letti said...

I used to send a letter a week ( with photos ) back to my parents in Malaysia, but maybe 4 months back, my mom said I was causing them to use up all their photo albums.. :P So she suggestedI send them once a month :)

fibrate said...

Excellent idea! Err what's the postage again? :)