Saturday, April 15, 2006

A neighbourly visit

I am almost ashamed to have to admit to not visiting Thailand until this late age. This despite it being accessible and affordable. So there it is, life's little mysteries.

We arrived right smack in the summer season and so despite it being up north, it was very very very hot.And dry.Not a bead of sweat. I ended up with a migranous headache on the right side of the head which persisted throughout dinner I fell asleep.

There are no FAT people in Thailand. What's their secret. Our local fatties could benefit from the Thai diet.

The books and mags at the airport were priced steeply. After some mental maths ( took a bit of work there...) it came out to be twice what I would have paid for the same book in KL. So you must be rich to read in Thailand. I found a bookstore tucked neatly in between a massage parlour and a gift shop , twas partially hidden by the numerous stalls selling silk scarves...Couldn't get my copy of I had to make do with the story book I'd the foresight to pack with me.

The "took-took" ride back to the hotel was sensational. Screamed part of the way as the tyres hit some bums and pot-holes. Invigorating. It even cured the migraine albeit temporarily. I want a took took for christmas please. Posted by Picasa


The Aunt said...

Bums? Or bumps?

'Cos if it's bums you might be able to flog the idea to New York City.

edina monsoon said...

HAHAHHA typo typo:) I must really check what I type sometimes huh?