Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It was the fault of my leaky nose

I suffer from allergic rhinitis and I live in a condominium which lies beside one of the longest roads in Kuala Lumpur. As a direct result of this, you can imagine the amount of dust which settles around me and when the fan goes a-buzzing, these minute nasty particles play havoc on the nose. Most days the nose behaves through the night and the non-stop obligatory 8-9 sneezes come on waking up in the morning. Of late, the nose has started this a good few hours earlier disrupting my REM sleep and making my head feel like cotton wool during the first 10 minutes of waking time. This is exactly what happened on Friday night....making me miss the alarum clock buzz ( I must have hit the off button and cheerfully continued dreaming ). I woke up with natural sunlight streaming into the bedroom. Not a good sign. Plans for leaving at 6:00am for home went right out the window. After a bit of breakfast and some last minute packing and re-packing and re-arranging so I could make just the ONE trip to the car....I made it onto the main road at *ahem* half eight. I was greeted with a whole line of cars at Batu Caves therein started the long crawl back home. I arrived at twelve noon hungry and with a very slight numb feeling in my right foot. 


vagus said...

Happy New Year! Longtime no see!

edina monsoon said...

Vagus:) Happy New year to you to!! Yes I have been busy egg-hunting on facebook rather than reading blogs. tsk tsk a pointless task I really must stop ...soon