Friday, February 26, 2010

A long weekend

Today's been the perfect Friday for a few reasons. Here they are
1. I did no work. ( it's a public holiday )
2. I got 3 special eggs and am now ranked 2000+++ in the world. ( hatclings is addictive but in a good way)
3. I have been watching Yes Prime Minister the entire day.
4. In 's 5:45pm and I am still in my jim jams.
5. I squeezed in a bit of scale-practise on the violin. By this have eased the guilt of not practising the day before
6.Am reading "The School At Thrush Green" at a leisurely pace with bread and nutella as supplements.


Anna, Fair and True said...

Yes Prime Minister is the best!

edina monsoon said...

Glad you like it loads too Anna:)