Saturday, September 21, 2013

Casa de l'Ardiaca

Casa de l'Ardiaca, originally uploaded by andreaban2009.
Otherwise known as the Archdeacon's house. This was built in the 15th century by the order of the Archdeacon Lluis Despla. It has a serene courtyard which would be to your right just before you climb these stairs which will lead you to a lovely upper terrace with a balcony. When you read the top, it would take some restrain not to shout " Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo?" The current look dates from 1962 and it now houses the city' archieves which isn't open to the public. In the courtyard there is a lovely Gothic fountain where most people pose.( Myself included). I didn't google this place before and was led here purely by chance. So I missed taking a picture of the famous letterbox.( Boohoohoo!)

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